We research the stocks of publicly traded companies looking for mispriced equities to identify discounts to the intrinsic,
PARTNER WITH USHOW WE DIFFER We only make money when our partners have already made a profit Call us today, 708-288-2773, to review investing options and schedule a no obligation investing partner presentation. |
At Northcott Capital we recognize that a single stock represents an interest in a real company. This enables us to focus our time and attention on a company’s fundamentals, evaluate the business by assessing its operating cash flow, capital expenditures, tax provisions, competitive threats, future opportunities, competitive barriers to entry, and many other financial considerations. Price trends, volatility, and performance relative to other stocks or the stock market as a whole, is not our main concern.
Northcott Capital Management strives to:
Peter Lynch, one of the most successful fund managers at Fidelity is famous for saying, “You need to know what you own and why you own it”. We recognize this. When we purchase a stock, we are investing in a business, not a speculative gamble on a piece of paper, but rather a percentage ownership of an actual business.